Hubungan pola makan dengan karies gigi pada murid sekolah dasar

Author(s): Cut Ratna Keumala
DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v1i2.407


Background: Caries is a major problem in community dental health seen by the high prevalence of caries in children. Diet is something that needs to be maintained to prevent caries. Foods that are easily attached can accelerate the occurrence of dental and mouth disease. From the initial examination, 70% of students experienced caries with a DMF-T index of 3.5.

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of eating patterns with dental caries in grade V and VI students of primary schools.

Methods: This analytical study used a cross-sectional study design, with a total sample of 55 students of Elementary School District of Ingin Jaya. This research was conducted on March 18, 2019. Data collection was carried out by laboratory examination and conducting interviews using a structured questionnaire tool. Data processing through the stages of editing, coding, entry, and tabulating. The analysis used in a bivariate analysis using the Chi-Square test manually.

Results: The results of the study based on the chi-square statistical test were obtained x2 = 9.67 (x2 count> x2 table), so that at the 95% significance level there was a significant relationship between eating patterns and dental caries in grade V and VI elementary school students in Kayee Leue of Elementary School District of Ingin Jaya, District of Aceh Besar.

Conclusion: The eating patterns of elementary school children have a significant relationship with the incidence of dental caries in the fifth and sixth-grade students of Kayee Leue, Elementary School District of Ingin Jaya. Suggestions, to pay attention to dental and oral health by brushing teeth properly and correctly, consume foods that contain fiber such as fruits and vegetables and lots of water, and do a dental check every 6 months.


Comsumption pattern; dental caries; elementary school students

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