Boba kefir pineapple beverage innovation: Probiotic and antioxidant refreshment

Devi Nur Na'syifa Komar -  Bachelor of Applied Nutrition and Dietetics Study Program, Department of Nutrition, Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung, Indonesia
Judiono Judiono* -  Department of Nutrition, Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung, Indonesia

Supp. File(s): research instrument, data set, data analysis, Laboratorium result Covering Letter Copyright Agreement Copyright Ethic Publication
Nutritional intake plays an important role in boosting the immunity. This study aimed to modify the boba drink into a probiotic- and antioxidant-rich drink. Kefir is a source of probiotics. Pineapples, which are rich in vitamin C, have antioxidant properties. The experimental study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with three formulations: F1 (75% kefir: 25% pineapple), F2 (50% kefir: 50% pineapple), and F3 (25% kefir: 75% pineapple). Product manufacturing and organoleptic tests were conducted at the Food Laboratory of Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung. Laboratory testing was conducted at Saraswanti Indo Genetech and Sibaweh Lab. This research was conducted from December 2022 to January 2023. Organoleptic testing was performed by 30 trained panelists. Analysis using the Kruskal–Wallis test. Results: There were differences in the organoleptic aspects (p= 0,012) of each formulation. Thus, F3 was found to be the best formulation. The number of lactic acid bacteria was 6,7 x 106, with antioxidant activity of 1238,02 ppm or 0,1238%, and vitamin C content of 19,88 grams. In conclusion, the high antioxidant activity of this drink suggests that it has the potential to increase body immunity. Further testing is needed to determine the type and number of other probiotic bacteria present in the product. 

Supplement Files

Keywords : Antioxidant, kefir, pineapple, probiotic, vitamin C

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Open Access Copyright (c) 2025 Devi Nur Na'syifa Komar, Judiono Judiono
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

AcTion: Aceh Nutrition Journal
Published by: Department of Nutrition at the Health Polytechnic of Aceh, Ministry of Health.
Soekarno-Hatta Street, No. 168. Health Polytechnic of Aceh, Aceh Besar, 23352. Telp/Fax: 0651 46126 / 0651 46121.

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