Supp. File(s): Data Analysis
Soy-Ipoghurt as an antidiabetic on hiperglicemic animal modelling Rattus norvegicus
Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is generally through optimizing a balanced diet. Soybeans and sweet potatoes have good antioxidants and can be developed as healthy foods for people with diabetes. Soybeans and sweet potatoes are processed into Soy-yoghurt. This study aims to determine the potential of soy yogurt as an antidiabetic in experimental animals, Rattus norvegicus induced by hyperglycemia, using Streptozotocin. This study used a experiment design with a total of 40 experimental animals. The research was conducted at the Medica Farma Husada Polytechnic Laboratory, Mataram, in 2022. The experimental animals that Streptozotocin (STZ) induced were then given Soy-yogurt orally at 3 ml and 3.5 ml doses. Experimental animals' Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG) levels were measured weekly using a Glucometer, while body weight (BW) was measured every three days. The results obtained were then analyzed statistically using the ANOVA test. The test results showed that there was a significant difference in blood sugar levels (p<0,05) in fasting given soy but no difference in BW (p>0,05). This study concludes that the provision of soybeans can affect the level of FBG of the experimental animals but does not affect the BW of the experimental animals.
Supplement Files
Keywords : Soy-yoghurt, Diabetes Mellitus, Streptozotocin, Blood glucose, Body Weight
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