Literature Review: Efektivitas hypnosis terhadap tingkat kecemasan ibu hamil

Author(s): Evi Zahara
DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v4i1.1050


Background: In general, third-trimester pregnant women experience increased anxiety. Anxiety in pregnant women can have an impact the labor process to be more difficult. Various non-pharmacological therapies can overcome anxiety in pregnant women, including hypnosis therapy. Hypnosis therapy with various methods is given to pregnant women to reduce anxiety. Hypnosis is the art of communication by lowering brain waves to explore the subconscious.

Objectives: The study aims to determine the effectiveness of hypnosis in reducing anxiety in pregnant women.

Methods: This literature review study uses the original research article search method from the 2015-2022 timeframe using the Google Scholar, Pubmed, and Proquest databases. Twenty-eight articles were obtained and then identified and screened so that ten articles were obtained that met the inclusion criteria.

Results: The average results of the articles reviewed showed a difference in anxiety levels compared between before and after hypnosis in pregnant women.

Conclusion: Hypnosis is effectively used in pregnant women to reduce anxiety levels.


Gravida; hypnosis; anxiety

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