Journal of SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan expects authors to follow this template and submit a well-organized manuscript following the instructions. Manuscripts can be written in Indonesian or English and submitted online to this OJS.
Instructions for writing / Author Guidelines This manuscript is the standard used in submitting manuscripts in the SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan. The manuscript is accompanied by an English abstract and an Indonesian abstract. Writing instructions for manuscripts that will submit must refer to the following writing instructions:
Title of the manuscript is typed in Sentence case using the font Calibri Bold 15pt and using(Align Left)
The name is written in full without title in Capital Each Word, using 13pt Calibri font. Affiliate code using Superscript, please include affiliation in full, and end with the author's e-mail
Abstracts are submitted in two language versions, namely English and Indonesian. The abstract is written according to the IMRAD model and does not exceed 250 words, using Calibri 10pt. Abstract consists of sections: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions, and ends with Keywords (Keywords). Writing is a Keyword minimum of 3 words and a maximum of 6 words. Only the first word uses Sentence case, and the next word uses lowercase. Keywords writing must be sorted alphabetically
Introduction, the elements presented in the opening section of a manuscript contain an introduction to why we do research and hypotheses. It is essential to convey the research objectives at the end of the Introduction section. The Introduction is about 2-3 pages long. Submissions Preliminary must be supported by the latest data and primary references (journals) that have strong relevance and are Recency for at least the last five years.
All material on each page must conform to the A4 page format with dimensions of 21 x 29.7 cm (8.27" x 11.29"), an upper limit of 2.8 cm (1.1") and a lower limit of 2 cm (0.79"). The left and right borders are 2 cm (0.79”). The article's content or text must be in two columns measuring 7.6 cm columns with a separation between columns of 0.8 cm. Manuscripts are typed in 1.0 spaces using the font Calibri 11pt. Submitted manuscripts have a minimum page limit of 7 pages and a maximum of 12 pages.
The introduction section needs to state the importance of the research, why it is necessary to do this research. State something new (novelty) from the analysis. The last part of the Introduction in making the research objectives and is an important part.
The methods section must be able to explain correctly what has been done in this research, which includes: Design, sampling and techniques (examples of writing sample formulas and descriptions using font Calibri 9pt aligned; left-), how data collection was carried out, data processing procedures and stages analysis and statistical tests used.
It is important to include a certificate of ethical suitability (Ethical Approval) both in the method and attached to the supplementary section.
In general, the elements in the Methods section are experimental design and design, place and time, samples and sampling techniques, materials and tools (for experimental research), tested variables, data collection and processing methods, statistical models, work procedures. The research (for experimental research), and research ethics
The results of the study can be conveyed by the author in this section. The results obtained are presented scientifically in the form of narratives, tables and graphs. Complete forms of data presentation have been submitted to the Manuscript Writing Template.
Data collected in tables/figures must be accompanied by narrative text and presented in an easy-to-understand form. Do not repeat at length the data that has been shown in tables and figures.
Discussion must interpret the data with the observed pattern. Discussion of the relationship between variables can be delivered and clearly. The author must include a different explanation of the hypothesis, results that are different or similar to any research results, or related findings carried out by other researchers.
Every result found does not always have to show significant results, but negative results also need to be explained and maybe something important to change in the author's manuscript. The author must deliver the discussion specifically on the results that have been found in the research.
Discussion must be supported by primary references (journals) that have strong relevance and are Recency for at least the last five years.
The conclusion does not include the analysis results in the form of numbers and is written in paragraph form, not in the form of numbering points or bullets. Furthermore, it is also important to convey the suggestions in this section.
The suggestions submitted must be in the form of policies and practical efforts to solve the problems encountered based on the results found in the research.
This section is optional. An author can express his gratitude to various parties which are considered important in carrying out the research. Such as research funding support, author contributions, agency or institutional support, and other contributions deemed necessary.
Bibliography or Reference List using the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition (APA 7th) system in alphabetical order on the citation list, strongly recommended Reference Manager is. Like Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero and others. Examples of bibliography writing can be seen in the point Reference List in Writing Templates.