Hubungan antara persepsi atribut produk, pengetahuan gizi dan label pangan dengan kebiasaan membaca label pangan pada mahasiwa S1 gizi reguler STIKes Binawan

Author(s): Annisa Ayu Nurbani, Mia Srimiati, Ratnayani Ratnayani
DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v2i1.340


Background: Behaviour to read the food label on tenager, particullary college students in Indonesia is low. College students are the perfect population to create good habits in order to prevent health issue. Nutriton students expected to be good sample for the people in choosing health food, so food label practice should be a habit for nutrition students.

Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship among product attribute perception (the taste, price, and nutrition content of product), nutrition knowledge and food label with food label practice on nutrition student of STIKes Binawan.

Methods: This research was conducted in April 2018 at STIKes Binawan with actual subject 107 respondent. This research use Cross Sectional design and Chi-Square statistical test. The data of this research was primary data, namely questionmaire.

Results: As many as 58% of respondents have a habit of reading good food labels. 90.6% of the respondents had good nutrition knowledge and food label, while more than 90% of respondents stated perceptions of product attributes (taste, price, and nutrient content) are important.

Conclusion: There was a significant relationship between the perception of price and nutrition content of the product with food label practice.



Food label; nutrition knowledge; product attribute perception

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