mood Al Rahmad, Agus Hendra, Department of Nutrition, Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh, Indonesia

  • Vol 8, No 4 (2023): December - Original Research
    The impact of integrating the ISO/IEC 25010 standard into the "PSG Balita" on the quality of the toddler nutritional status report data
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 8, No 4 (2023): December - Original Research
    The relationship between menarche and nutritional status in Junior High School students in Aceh Besar. A study from 30 years of armed conflict area, Aceh, Indonesia
    Abstract  PDF

AcTion: Aceh Nutrition Journal
Published by: Department of Nutrition at the Health Polytechnic of Aceh, Ministry of Health.
Soekarno-Hatta Street, No. 168. Health Polytechnic of Aceh, Aceh Besar, 23352. Telp/Fax: 0651 46126 / 0651 46121.
E-mail: [email protected]

e-issn: 2548-5741, p-issn: 2527-3310

All content is licensed under a: Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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