Preferensi makanan online dan timbulan sampah plastik delivery masa pandemi Covid-19

Author(s): Asri Jumadewi, Safridha Kemala Putri, Yenni Sasmita
DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v4i2.1133


Background: the COVID-19 pandemic has affected people's preferences, namely the tendency to shop online. This change in people's tastes is supported by advances in digital technology, as a culinary delivery service. This progress allegedly has the potential to increase the use of plastic as packaging. This increase will pose a risk of packaging waste in the environment.

Objectives: this study aims to describe the level of public knowledge about online food preferences and waste generation during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Methods: this study used a cross-sectional design, with a purposive sampling technique of 30 respondents with inclusion criteria being online drivers who are located around the location of Jl. Daud Beureuh, Banda Aceh, and has worked for at least 1 month. Data collection was carried out by direct observation and interviews which were carried out in May 2022. The data obtained was then analyzed descriptively and the chi square correlation test.

Results: the results of the descriptive study showed that online food preferences during the Covid-19 pandemic were in the increasing category by 19 people (63.3%). While knowledge about waste generation during the Covid-19 pandemic was in the positive category as many as 16 people (53.3%). The p-value = 0.44 The results of this study indicate that there is no relationship between knowledge of online food preferences and the generation of packaging waste during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Conclusion: the description of the level of online food preference knowledge is increasing, while the knowledge of waste generation during the Covid-19 pandemic is positive. However, there is no correlation between online food preferences and packaging waste generation.


Preference, online, trash, plastic packaging

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