Asuhan gizi pada pasien malignant neoplasma di RSD dr. Soebandi Jember

Author(s): Liesna Lusyana Nur, Nur Fitri Widya Astuti
DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v4i2.1152


Background: tumor disease is a deadly disease in the world. It is estimated that around 1,300 people die each year from bone tumors. Bone tumors occur due to abnormal growth of mesenchymal cells in bones, which can be malignant/cancerous. Malignant soft tissue tumors can affect anyone, especially the elderly. In developing bone tumor malignancy, it is necessary to have nutritional service assistance that can support the nutritional adequacy of sufferers.

Purpose: to determine the effect of nutritional care process on the development of the malignant neoplasma patient's condition.

Methods: this study used the case study design. Management of nutrition care which was carried out for three consecutive days from 17 to 19 November 2022 to a patients with malignant neoplasma at RSD dr. Soebandi. The data collection process was carried out by interviews, anthropometric measurements, observe the medical records and survey consumption using 24-hour food recall method.

Results: during monitoring the patient is included in a normal nutritional state and does not experience changes; physical and clinical evaluation showed that there were still complaints of weakness after the chemotherapy process; monitoring and analysis of intake show that the average intake of energy, protein and carbohydrates meets the target requirement of 89.13%, 81.93%, 89.2% (80-110% of requirement) and fat intake exceeds the target requirement of 126 .6% (80-110% of requirement); as well as the results of diet education and counseling show that patients understand the diet that must be followed and apply it to the recommended food ingredients, but are less compliant with the heavy food given.

Conclusion: overall the NCP (Nutrition Care Process) carried out a positive impact to patient with malignant neoplasma patien’s developmet.



Malignant Neoplasm, Bone Tumor, Nutrition Care

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