Analisis kadar protein dan uji organoleptik pie susu substitusi tepung biji nangka

Author(s): Razita Lauzah Diningrum, Ruli Bahyu Antika
DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v5i3A.1438


Background: Jackfruit seed flour is flour derived from local food waste, namely jackfruit seeds with a higher protein level than low protein wheat flour, reaching 12,19g/100g while low protein wheat flour is only 9g/100g. The high protein level can be utilized in pastry products such as milk pie as an additional food innovation for pregnant women with CED.

Objectives: To determine the effect of jackfruit seed flour substitution on protein level and organoleptic quality of milk pie.

Methods: This research used quasi-experimental methode with a post test only control group design approach. Tests for protein level were carried out at the Food Analysis Laboratory of the Jember Polytechnic and organoleptic tests in the working area of the Tenggarang Health Center, Bondowoso Regency in June 2023. Data of protein level test were analyzed using Kruskal Wallis and the Mann Whitney-U test, while the organoleptic test results were analyzed using Friedman and the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test.

Results: The results of the test for protein level found that the substitution of jackfruit seed flour had a significant effect on the protein content of milk pie (p = 0,16). The highest protein content was found in the treatment of 15% (X3) = 13,19%. The results of the organoleptic test revealed that the substitution of jackfruit seed flour had a significant effect on the organoleptic quality (p color = 0,000, aroma p = 0,000, texture p = 0,000, taste p = 0,000) of milk pie. The highest organoleptic test results for indicators: color = X0 (4,20), aroma = X0 (3,96), texture = X0 (3,88), and taste = X1 (3,96).

Conclusion: Substitution of jackfruit seed flour had a significant effect on the protein content of the milk pie and had a significant effect on the organoleptic quality of the milk pie. The more substitutions, the protein content of the milk pie increases but decreases the organoleptic quality of the milk pie.



Jackfruit seed flour, milk pie, pregnant women with CED


Nutritition; Clinical Nutrition; Food Technology

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