Riwayat kelahiran dan komposisi tubuh ibu kaitannya dengan status gizi balita

Author(s): Alimuddin Alimuddin, Nuryani Nuryani, Raden Ayu Cahyaning Alam, Mutia Reski Amalia, Lien N Tau
DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v5i2.1525


Background: The toddler period has golden age that caracterized with growth and development. Malnutrition has a disorder of nutritional status, both undernutrition and overnutrition.

Objectives: To determine association between the history of birth and the mother body composition with nutrition status in children under five years.

Methods: analytic observational with design cross sectional study. Technique sampling was purposive sampling that  collected 310 respondents. The study was conducted in Tilango Health Center working area, Gorontalo Regency in January – June 2023. The variables of the study included birth history (birth weight and birth length), maternal body composition (maternal age, height, weight, percent body fat, body mass index and muscle mass) and nutritional status of toddlers (indicators of WAZ, HAZ, WHZ). Processing nutritional status data using the WHO Antro application. The analysis data was used Pearson  Correlation test with a value of α= 0,05. 

Results: Bivariate analysis was explained  pearson correlation  of birth weight with WAZ (r = 0,152), HZA (r = 0,130), maternal weight with WAZ (r = 0,234) and WHZ (r = 0,165), maternal body height with HAZ (r = 0,126), maternal BMI of toddlers with HAZ (r = 0,470),  percent body fat with WAZ (r = 0,118) and WHZ (r = 0,116), muscle mass with WAZ (r = 0,134), HAZ (r = 0,166). There were association between variabel (p < 0,05).

Conclusion: History of birth weight, birth length, maternal weight, maternal height, BMI, percent body fat and muscle mass of toddler mothers have positive correlation with the nutritional status in toddlers.


Toddler, body composition, birth history


Clinical Nutrition

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