Hubungan konsep diri dengan mekanisme koping pada pasien post operasi glaukoma di poli mata RSUD Meuraxa Banda Aceh tahun 2022

Author(s): Nurhayati Nurhayati, Asniah Syamsuddin, Meutia Yusuf, Rahmah Liya Sapitri
DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v4i2.1099


Background: physical conditions can affect patients in forming their self-concept, patients who have a good self-concept will respect themselves, accept themselves, and do not underestimate themselves and recognize their limitations. Conversely, patients who have a poor self-concept will generally avoid their environment, tend to be alone and dissatisfied with themselves.

Objectives: to determine the relationship between self-concept and coping mechanisms in postoperative glaucoma patients at the Eye Clinic at Meuraxa Hospital, Banda Aceh.

Methods: this type of quantitative research with the correlation method and using the Cross Sectional Study approach. Sampling using non-probability sampling with purposive sampling technique. The number of samples was 39 patients who underwent glaucoma surgery.

Results: the results of bivariate analysis showed the value of ρ = 0.002 and α = 0.05, which means that the value of p < α Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. This means that there is a relationship between self-concept and coping mechanisms in postoperative glaucoma patients at the Eye Clinic at Meuraxa Hospital.

Conclusion: that the better the patient's self-concept, the coping used is adaptive.



Konsep Diri, Mekanisme Koping, Glaucoma

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