Optimasi penggunaan air perasan bunga asoka merah (Ixora coccinea) sebagai pengganti eosin pada pemeriksaan telur cacing Soil Transmitted Helminth

Author(s): Zuriani Rizki, Yunis Ardhiya, Farah Fajarna, Fitriana Fitriana
DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v4i2.1235


Background: Soil Transmitted Helminth is an intestinal nematode whose reagent for microscopic examination is one of them using 2% Eosin solution. 2% eosin gives a red background against yellowish eggs and sells feces with feces. Eosin besides its many needs is also a reagent which is expensive compared to natural ingredients. The high price of eosin reagent paved the way for using local raw materials as an alternative to eosin staining. One of the local raw materials that can be used is red asoka flower (Ixora coccinea). Red asoka flowers contain anthocyanins which give color to flowers and fruit. Anthocyanin can be used as a natural red dye.

Objective: to determine the use of red juice Ixora coccinea in microscopic examination of Soil Transmitted Helminths.

Method: this type of quasi-experimental research with a completely randomized design (CRD). The data was obtained by recording the results of the treatment of red asoka flower juice (Ixora coccinea) on worm egg preparations. To see a comparison of the drying time of the reagents on worm egg preparations using red asoka flower juice (Ixora coccinea) with eosin control, three replications were carried out. Data were analyzed by T test.

Results: the morphology of the eggshell and egg contents of the Soil Transmitted Helminth worm (Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Hookworm) was clearly visible. The results of the t test obtained a p value of 0.000 which is smaller than 0.05.

Conclusion: Asoka flower juice can be used as an alternative to examining Soil Transmitted Helminth worm eggs (Ascaris lumbricoidea, Trichuris trichiura, Hookworm). the difference in drying time between asoka and eosin was significant.


Soil Transmitted Helminth, Asoka merah (Ixora coccinea), Eosin

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