Hubungan kualitas pelayanan terhadap tingkat kepuasan pasien BPJS

Author(s): Yusra Yusra
DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v1i2.416


Background: Quality hospital services are demands that must be met, in improving the quality and satisfaction of the community as service users. Patients tend to make the decision not to re-visit a hospital if the services provided are of low quality. The problem that is often faced by the hospital, in general, is that it has not been able to provide the services that the community really expects. The main factor is because the service has low-quality management.

Purpose: This study aims to measure the relationship of service quality to the satisfaction level of Insurance and Social Security patients at Tanjung Selamat Hospital, Langkat.

Method: The research design was a cross-sectional study at the Tanjung Selamat Hospital, Langkat. The respondents as 43 who were taken by accidental sampling from January to February 2017. Data were collected through interviews and observations using a questionnaire covering demographic data, characteristics, service quality and level of satisfaction. Service quality data processing is given a scoring and is grouped into good, moderate, poor. Patient satisfaction variables were also scored with the classification of satisfied and dissatisfied. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test with CI: 95%.

Results: The service quality at the Tanjung Selamat hospital is still not good (46.5%), with the level of patient satisfaction with the service is still low (58.1%). Statistically, there is a relationship between service quality and BPJS patient satisfaction at Tanjung Selamat Hospital in 2017, with a p-value = 0.001 (p <0.05).

Conclusion: The lack of good service quality is related to the low level of satisfaction of Insurance and Social Security patients at Tanjung Selamat Hospital. Suggestion, the hospital must improve the quality and quality of service through repair and improvement of facilities and infrastructure, education and training for health workers.


Hospital; Insurance and Social Security; patient satisfaction; service quality

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