Rancangan video animasi edukasi kesiapsiagaan bencana non alam COVID-19 bagi ibu hamil. Uji validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen

Author(s): Idwar Idwar, Magfirah Magfirah
DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v5i1.1247


Background: COVID-19 is transmitted through air transmission. Prevention of transmission of the COVID-19 virus in pregnant women will certainly reduce complications in pregnant women and the fetus. An educational animated video design can help increase pregnant women's understanding of preventing the transmission of COVID-19. The Coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19 in pregnant women will increase the risk of severe infection and pregnancy complications such as preterm labour. Pregnancy will cause physiological changes and maternal immunity, so pregnant women are in a high-risk group for COVID-19 infection. Prevention of COVID-19 virus transmission in pregnant women needs to be done to prevent complications in pregnant women and fetuses. Research objectives: The design of educational animated videos can help increase the understanding of pregnant women in preventing COVID-19 transmission and to test the validity and reliability of instruments.

Method: Developing an educational video animation for non-natural disaster preparedness is carried out in several stages, namely making scenarios, storyboards, sketches, choosing colors, coloring, layering and combining them into animated videos. Then, the animated video was validated by a team of experts from the Langsa City Health Office. The content of this video is about preventing COVID-19 transmission in pregnant women. The animated video was tested on 20 respondents in June 2021 in Karang Anyar village, Langsa City. Furthermore, the instrument was tested for validity and reliability on 20 respondents in July 2021 in Paya Bujok Tunong Village, Langsa City.

Results: Are 10 components assessed from educational animated videos, and the majority are very good ≥65%. The results of the validity and reliability tests show that the questionnaire is suitable for use in the condition of pregnant women when facing COVID-19 (p > 0,05). However, one invalid statement item was found. The reliability test results show that all variables have an alpha value above 0,378.

Conclusion: Respondents can use and distribute animated videos and research instruments.



Video Animation, COVID-19 Education, validity, reliability.

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