Hubungan kualitas tidur terhadap kejadian hipertensi pada lansia

Author(s): Vivi Melati Ningtyas
DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v5i2.1422


Background: Hypertension is a condition when the blood pressure in the blood vessels increases chronicaly. Poor sleep quailty has an impact on decrelasing antibodies with symptoms of weakness and fatigue so that it changes thl stress hormone cortisol and the sympathetic nervous system, which causes an increase in blood pressure in the eldery. Someone who experiences sleep deprivation can cause metabolic and endocrine disorders that contribute to cardiovascular disorders resulting in hypertension.

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determinel the relationship between sleep quality and hypertension in the elderly in Semen Village, Nguntoronadi District, Magetan Regency.

Methods: Thelmethod used in this study is a quantitativel research method and the research design uses cross-sectional. The population of this study was 144 peopel, the determination used purposive sampling so that the research sample was 60 respondents. Data collectilon techniquls using a questionnaire. The data analysis method used, namely the Chi-Square Test.

Results: Based on the research conducted, the results showed that 37 elderly people (61,7%) had poor sleep quality and 23 elderly people (38,3%) had good sleep quality. P-value = 0,003 <0,05 which means there is a relationship between sleep quality and hypertension in the elderly in Semen Village, Nguntoronadi District, Magetan Regency.

Conclusion: From this study it is hoped that the elderly need sufficilent sleep at night >6 hours and routinely participate in the activities of the eldery Posyandu to help control hypertension, it is necessary to carry out routine health checks for the elderly as well as conduct counseling related to the prevention of hypertension in the elderly so that the elderly can understand the importance of maintaining health. Health workers can carry out counseling by providing pamphlets or leaflets so that the awareness of the elderly increases so that it can reduce the incidence of hypertension.



Sleep quality, Hypertion, Elderly


Public Health

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