Color and texture analysis of glucomannan modified growol cookies for diabetic

Author(s): Desty Ervira Puspaningtyas, Puspita Mardika Sari, Silvia Dewi Styaningrum, Adi Sucipto, Dwita Mukti Rahmawati, Getha Puji Lestari
DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v5i2.1686


Background: Foods high in dietary fiber can provide good glycemic control for diabetics. Growol cookies have been developed as a healthy snack high in dietary fiber.

Objectives: Colors and texture examination of Growol cookies need to be done to see the potential for product development.

Methods: There are five variants of cookies: negative control growol cookies (cookies A), positive control growol cookies (cookies B), inulin-modified growol cookies (cookies C), 3% glucomannan-modified growol cookies (cookies D), and 7% glucomannan-modified growol cookies (cookies E). Color and texture were examined in triplicate using a chromameter and texture analyzer. Difference tests were carried out using ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis.

Results: There was no difference in brightness among cookies, but there was a difference in the a-value which describes the red color (p=0,001), and the b-value which describes the yellow color among cookies (p=0,038). There were differences in hardness in the first bite (p=0,004) and second bite (p=0,005), cohesiveness (p=0,032), gumminess (p=0,005), fracture (p=0,001), springiness (p=0,035), crispiness peak (p=0,021), crispiness (p=0,005), and crunchiness (p<0,001) among cookies.

Conclusion: Colors and textures of cookies B, cookies C, and cookies D tend to be similar to control cookies, so these cookies have the potential to be developed for diabetics.




Color and texture, growol cookies, product development

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