Pengaruh metode akupuntur terhadap penurunan kekeringan dan kemerahan kulit pada pasien xerosis

Author(s): Raafika Studiviani Dwi Binuko, Flora Ramona Sigit Prakoeswa
DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v5i1.1280


Background: Xerosis, or dehydrated skin, significantly impacts comfort. Severely dry skin can cause severe itching, irritation, and physical discomfort. It can disrupt sleep, concentration, and daily performance of individuals. Although several studies have evaluated the impact of acupuncture on skin health, strong scientific evidence regarding its effectiveness in treating xerosis is still limited.

Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the influence of acupuncture on reducing skin dryness and redness in patients with xerosis.

Methods: This research collected data from 30 patients with xerosis who underwent acupuncture sessions. Skin dryness and redness scores were measured before and after the acupuncture session. The collected data were then analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired samples t-tests.

Results: The results of the study showed that acupuncture significantly influenced reducing skin dryness scores by 7,36% and skin redness scores by 15,2% in patients with xerosis after the acupuncture session. This indicates that acupuncture effectively addresses the symptoms of xerosis by reducing skin dryness and redness. This research provides evidence supporting the use of acupuncture as an effective alternative therapy in managing xerosis and improving the quality of life for patients.

Conclusion: In this study, acupuncture has been proven to reduce skin dryness and redness in patients with xerosis significantly. These findings suggest that acupuncture can be an effective therapeutic option in addressing the symptoms of xerosis, such as skin dryness and redness. The use of acupuncture as a non-invasive and safe alternative therapy can enhance the quality of life for patients experiencing xerosis.


Xerosis, Acupuncture, Skin Dryness, Xerosis, akupuntur, kekeringan kulit

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Triandari, L., & Supriyadi, A. (2023). Manajemen Fisioterapi Pada Xerosis, Nyeri dan Kelemahan Otot Dengan Modalitas Oiling, Infra Red dan Terapi Latihan Pada Kasus Kusta Tipe Multibasiler (A Case Report). Journal of Innovation Research and Knowledge, 2(8), 3053–3060.

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Yeom, M., Ahn, S., Jang, S. Y., Jang, J. H., Lee, Y., Hahm, D. H., & Park, H. J. (2022). Acupuncture attenuates comorbid anxiety- and depressive-like behaviors of atopic dermatitis through modulating neuroadaptation in the brain reward circuit in mice. Biological Research, 55(1), 1–13.

Yulisa, D., & Menaldi, S. L. (2023). Perawatan Kulit Kering pada Lansia. 11(1), 1–6.

Aniago, D. P. C., Sumijan, S., & Santony, J. (2020). Akurasi dalam Mendeteksi Penyakit Kulit Menular menggunakan gabungan Metode Forward Chaining dengan Certainty Factor. Jurnal Teknologi Dan Sistem Informasi Bisnis, 2(2), 200–210.

Annisa, A. (2023). Faktor – Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Keluhan Gangguan Kulit pada Nelayan. 10(1), 63–69.

Ariyanti, K. S., Sariyani, M. D., & Pemayun, C. I. M. (2020). Kepercayaan Masyarakat Terhadap Pengobatan Komplementer Akupuntur Di Praktik Perawat Mandiri Latu Usadha Abiansemal Badung. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan MAKIA, 10(2), 107–116.

Estri, S. A. T. S., & Usman, S. (2022). Kader Ngrame Tanggap Kesehatan Di Masa Pandemi. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat, 1001–1006.

Faizah, M. U., & Sulastri. (2021). Efek Samping Tindakan Hemodialisis Pada Pasien Chronic Kidney Disease (Ckd) Dengan Aloe Vera Gel Maulida. Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Indonesia, 5(1), 75–82.

Fernanda, M. D., Sibero, H. T., & Mutiara, H. (2023). Polusi udara dan permasalahan terhadap kulit. 13(April), 66–71.

Fitriyani, N. W., & Murlistyarini, S. (2022). Tinjauan Literatur: Mikrobium Pada Kulit Dalam Perspektif Dermatologu. Majalah Kesehatan, 9(2), 109–120.

Harditya, K. B., Bagus, I. G., Widiatmaja, P., Rosa, K., Anggaraeni, T., Agung, I. G., Wicaksana, T., Kade, G., & Widyas, A. (2023). ( The Effect Of Acupuncture Therapy On Patients With Benign Paroxymal Positional Vertigo : A Case Report ). 7(1), 66–71.

Kumarahadi, Y. K., Arifin, M. Z., Pambudi, S., Prabowo, T., & Kusrini, K. (2020). Sistem Pakar Identifikasi Jenis Kulit Wajah Dengan Metode Certainty Factor. Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi (TIKomSiN), 8(1), 21–27.

Mekić, S., Jacobs, L. C., Gunn, D. A., Mayes, A. E., Ikram, M. A., Pardo, L. M., & Nijsten, T. (2019). Prevalence and determinants for xerosis cutis in the middle-aged and elderly population: A cross-sectional study. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 81(4), 963-969.e2.

Minerva, P. (2019). Penggunaan Tabir Surya Bagi Kesehatan Kulit. Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Keluarga, 11(1), 87.

Naz, S., Riaz, S., Khan, F. A., Zahoor, H., Sohail, M., & Nadeem, A. (2021). Frequency of Xerosis in Children Presenting with Chronic Pruritus. Journal of Gandhara Medical and Dental Science, 8(3), 25–28.

Park, H. J., Ahn, S., Lee, H., Hahm, D. H., Kim, K., & Yeom, M. (2021). Acupuncture ameliorates not only atopic dermatitis-like skin inflammation but also acute and chronic serotonergic itch possibly through blockade of 5-HT2 and 5-HT7 receptors in mice. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 93(April 2020), 399–408.

Purinasari, R., Handayani, F., & Johan, A. (2023). Pengaruh Akupresure Pada Pasien Stroke: Scoping Review. Jurnal Keperawatan, 15(Ht 7), 787–800.

Raupong, Saleh, M., & Taruma, H. S. (2015). Penaksiran Rataan dan Varians Populasi Pada Sampel Acak Terstratifika Dengan

Auxiliary Variable. Matematika, Statistika & Komputasi, 12(1), 9–18.

Schachtel, A., Dyer, J. A., & Boos, M. D. (2021). Climate change and pediatric skin health. International Journal of Women’s Dermatology, 7(1), 85–90.

Setio Pamuji, Pria Sukamto, Iskandar, & Haryanto. (2020). Sistem Pakar Berbasis Desktop Diagnosa Penyakit Kulit Menggunakan Metode Brute Force. INFOTECH : Jurnal Informatika & Teknologi, 1(2), 97–106.

Supoyo, A. (2022). Bianglala Informatika Analisis Data Mining Untuk Memprediksi Lama Perawatan Pasien Covid-19 Di DIY. 10(1), 2022.

Triandari, L., & Supriyadi, A. (2023). Manajemen Fisioterapi Pada Xerosis, Nyeri dan Kelemahan Otot Dengan Modalitas Oiling, Infra Red dan Terapi Latihan Pada Kasus Kusta Tipe Multibasiler (A Case Report). Journal of Innovation Research and Knowledge, 2(8), 3053–3060.

Wibisono, G. N., Kawatu, P. A. T., Kolibu, F. K., Kesehatan, F., Universitas, M., & Ratulangi, S. (2018). Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Timbulnya Gangguan Kulit Pada Nelayan Di Kelurahan Posokan Kecamatan Lembeh Utara Kota Bitung. Jurnal Kesmas, 7(5).

Yeom, M., Ahn, S., Jang, S. Y., Jang, J. H., Lee, Y., Hahm, D. H., & Park, H. J. (2022). Acupuncture attenuates comorbid anxiety- and depressive-like behaviors of atopic dermatitis through modulating neuroadaptation in the brain reward circuit in mice. Biological Research, 55(1), 1–13.

Yulisa, D., & Menaldi, S. L. (2023). Perawatan Kulit Kering pada Lansia. 11(1), 1–6.


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